Husky in owners arms

Vaccinations for Puppies and Dogs

At Pacific Rim Veterinary Hospital, taking care of your loyal companion’s immunity is one of our top priorities. Vaccines will protect your canine companion from harmful diseases, helping them to be healthy throughout their entire life. Our team will be more than happy to discuss with you the vaccine options that are currently available.


Vaccinations for Puppies

When should puppies receive their first vaccine?

The veterinary team recommends that puppies get their first vaccine shots at around 6 to 8-weeks-old, which is usually the distemper and parvovirus vaccine. Afterwards, your puppy will need a series of other vaccines at different intervals until they are 16-weeks-old. The rescue shelter or the breeder where you adopted your puppy from will typically provide you with their medical record. This way, our team will know which shots your puppy needs.

Why is it important to vaccinate puppies?

It’s important that you stay on top of your puppy’s vaccines so that your puppy is protected from getting diseases that can not only be potentially fatal, but also cost a lot of time and money to treat. On top of this, vaccines are also beneficial for you and your human family members, as certain infectious diseases (e.g. rabies) can be transferred from pets to people. Vaccines continue to help animals live longer and healthier lives, and is an essential part of their health care.

Can puppies have a reaction to vaccines?

The vast majority of puppies do not experience any sort of reaction to vaccines. Those who do usually experience mild symptoms that include puffiness and swelling. Again, these reactions are incredibly rare and usually subside shortly after their shots.


Vaccinations for Dogs

What kinds of vaccines do adult dogs need?

Even though your pet received vaccines when they were puppies, they still need to continue receiving shots all throughout their life to ensure that they maintain immunity from several kinds of infectious diseases. Some of the most common vaccines that dogs receive include those that protect against: Lyme disease, leptospirosis, distemper, parainfluenza, parvovirus, canine hepatitis virus and Bordetella.

Does my dog’s lifestyle affect the kind of vaccines they need?

Yes, to a certain extent. There are vaccines such as the one against rabies, that all dogs must take. This is mandated by law. During a consultation with a veterinarian, we can determine which other vaccines will work best for your pet’s specific needs. For example, if you and your pet live in a certain environment, specific vaccines may be appropriate versus others. Canine companions who spend more time outdoors and among wildlife may also need different kinds of shots in comparison to those who live in more urban settings.

What should I expect after my pet is vaccinated?

As we touched on above, most pets have little to no reaction after being vaccinated. Please let us know beforehand if your pet has had any reactions to previous medications or treatments, so that we can plan accordingly. Difficulty breathing, hives and vomiting are examples of extreme and less common reactions to vaccines. If you see your pet displaying any of these symptoms, please contact our team ASAP.