Anal Gland Expression for Dogs

Our canine companions have anal sacs or anal glands located near their anus. When your puppy or dog is in good health and everything is working as it should, their anal glands are naturally expressed when they poop. The anal expressions leave a distinct scent, and is a way for your dog to mark their territory.

What are signs that a dog has problems with their anal glands?

Below are some of the most common symptoms that indicate a problem with your dog’s anal glands. These signs can also signal other health problems so please do not hesitate to reach out our team if you recognize any of them in your dog.

  • Scooting or dragging their behinds on the ground
  • Blood or pus on areas where they have lied down or sat on
  • Difficulty pooping
  • Blood or pus in their stool
  • Excessive licking of their behind
  • What causes anal gland problems in dogs?

    A number of factors can cause anal sac issues in your pet. Infections, pre-existing inflammatory conditions and excessive anal gland expressions by groomers are some of the most common causes anal gland problems. Other factors such as obesity, food allergies, and skin mite infestations can also increase your dog’s chances of having this problem.

    Do all dogs need to have their anal glands expressed?

    It really depends. Many dogs express them on their own, while some dogs require manual expression from the skillful hands of professionals. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns about this topic.